Hi, I am De'Anna Jo Nunez.

There I was, a twenty-year-old struggling, single Mom feeling overwhelmed.  It was my ambitious kid that made me want to dig deep and be better, for him and for me. 👩‍👦 
In order to grow more confident, I chose to turn myself inside out and face some things I was avoiding. Wonderfully, I discovered what seemed like a magical tool called Hypnosis and my life changed forever. 
 Throughout Hypnotherapy training in 1997 at the San Diego Institute of Hypnosis, and every day since, I have healed inner wounds and learned to adopt new behaviors and beliefs.  Remarkably, the actions I dared myself to take, changed my life. 
I now have a true inner peace and along the way have accrued a substantial list of achievements that have had a ripple effect on other people. As it turns out, standing in your own truth is one of the biggest gifts you can give to the world. 
  • 7+ Professional Certifications
  • Completed over 100  🏃‍♀️marathons (full and half and ultra)
  • Spoken🎤 in over 25 countries
  • Hypnotized and coached over 10,000 people
  • Shared the powerful message of internal-belief and mindset on 1,000+ stages to over 500,000 audience members. 
I am one of a small handful of women globally that has succeeded as a Hypnotist (shout out to my ladies) in all three major areas of the Hypnosis profession. 
  • Corporate Hypnotist Keynote Speaker
  • Professional Stage Hypnotist 1,000+ shows
  • Private Hypnotist for 1:1 Personal Development 
And that kid? He grew up to be a successful Paramedic Firefighter Engineer (he drives the firetruck!). We consider him our family hero. He married his Emergency Room Nurse and they had baby Cambria, my first granddaughter. Yeah! 

My ♥️ heart is on 🔥 fire 🔥to help others succeed and discover their own courage. It requires tapping into the Subconscious Mind and accessing deeper parts of yourself. 

As an applied learning Hypnotist, Trainer & Keynote Speaker specializing in Heart Centered Performance and Hypnosis ~My mission is to bring the joy of love for oneself to improve your life, relationships and to better lead others.

My clients have been diverse and interesting. I've worked with EMC, Harley Davidson, Aflac, Mercury, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Alliance Health Care, and more. As well as Olympic Athletes, C Suite Executives, Sales Teams and every day people wanting to develop their potential.

The work I do is people-centric. Everything I've discovered, I give back through my Keynote talks. I am passionate about weaving real stories of heart, grit, vulnerability and determination throughout the framework I teach. 
Carmel Valley, California is the heart I call home enjoying an active beach and bluffs lifestyle with my husband Troy (married for 24 years) and younger kids Vasco and Savvy, as well as our dog Nacho.
When I'm not with family, I'm meeting with clients at my beautiful Del Mar ocean view office, or Speaking somewhere around the world. 
You may also find me running the neighborhood, lifting weights in the gym,  hiking big tall mountains, boating on the bay, writing  or eating tacos. 

Education & Training

  • Member in good standing with the ICBCH - International Certification Board for Clinical Hypnotists
  • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotist, the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and the ICBCH. Received initial training with the San Diego Institute of Hypnosis and the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.
  • Humanistic Neurolinguistic Psychology Practitioner and Coach through Life Design International.
  • Certified Hypnobabies Birthing, Instructor
  • Certified Sports Hypnotist
  • Certified Weight Loss Hypnotist
  • Certified Nutrition Specialist with ICCS
  • Certified Personal Fitness Trainer NESTA
  • Smoking Cessation Hypnotist
  • Healing Metaphors and Performance Coach
  • Certified Running Coach with the RRCA.
  • Career Highlights:
    • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist at the San Diego Institute of Hypnosis with the intent to perform as a Hypnotist Edutainer and Keynote Speaker.  De'Anna's very first paid, professional presentation was for the United States Marine Corps in 1998.  Since then Fortune 500 companies such as Aflac, Mercury Insurance, Coldwell Banker, EMC, Harley Davidson and more have brought her in to learn insights about the incredible power of the mind and how to stay focused on a meaningful result.  De’Anna delivers her signature process through an edutaining format of storytelling and experiential Hypnosis.
    • In 2004 on a big stage in Canada performing for almost 10,000 people, De’Anna found herself in a full circle moment.  She was opening for her favorite childhood band Cheap Trick (fun clips here ). With the sound of the crowd roaring, crazed fans jumping up and down to be chosen for her show, it was the moment she realized she was owning the stage confidently.  She knew it was because she had stepped into her dream and did the mindset work to truly overcome those early limiting beliefs.
    • Continuing her education to earn a Certification in Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology as a Certified Coach through the Life Design Institute, she focused her unique training style toward health initiatives.  Hundreds have quit a life-long addiction to nicotine in her program called the Great SmokeFree Rally sponsored by the California Department of Health and Human Services.  In another project, De’Anna wrote her own curriculum and produced a program for working professionals and women across America called the Mind Body Fit Club Ladies shed 20 to 120 pounds using Hypnosis and peak performance techniques.  One of her most celebrated clients was featured on the front page of the Huffington Post with a life-transformation (article here). She shed 105 pounds, got out of a troubled marriage, let go of childhood sexual abuse trauma, quit a going-nowhere job and doubled her income in sales, all as a result of the mindset work she did with De’Anna Nunez.
    • De'Anna continues to offer weekly coaching and mentoring for MIND BODY FIT CLUB as she believes health and wellness is the foundation of all other success. Her mother passing away in 2012 from poor self care and depression fueled her to be even more convicted in leading women to long lasting vitality. De'Anna's Grandmother Irene will forever be her shining example of graciousness and health, having passed away in her sleep, free of disease at the beautiful age of 103.
    • De'Anna is the Author of MIND BODY F.I.T. LIFE, Burn Your Fat Pants as well as #1 Best Seller, Selling with Synchronicity with acclaimed Speaker and Sales Coach, Ursula Mentjes, and Co-Author to It's Not About the Food with Alegra Lowenstein.  She has also written several ebook publications on mindset, subconscious health, and goal setting;  And, made the Top 10 readership list on Active.com with her articles on mind-body health.  Garnering interest from the media, De’Anna has appeared as a Guest Expert Hypnotist for CBS, ABC, NBC and Fox affiliates, as well as radio shows and podcasts.
    • Over the last decade, De’Anna has completed 50+ half, full and ultra-marathons, and credits those experiences as the framework to an advanced level of the mindset techniques she teaches today.
    • Her clients are diverse.  The work she does as a High Performance Hypnotist has lead her to contract with every Marine Corps Base in America, as well as bases in Japan, Okinawa and South Korea.  She’s worked with Olympic Athletes to C-suite Executives to sales teams.  Just recently, she completed her 18th successful contract speaking and edutaining in over twenty-three countries for Norwegian Cruise Lines.

Leadership Values:

More than 20 years of work with the human psyche have solidified my belief that every individual is powerful beyond measure.  Whether working individually or within an organization, it is my quest to affirm that belief through heart-connected work that shifts my clients into purpose-driven people that contribute greatly to their work, their health and their life.  Those who are working with me choose to be the kind of people who strengthen communities by showing up in their state of peak performance.

Our Top 6 Core Values at VitalMind, Inc.:

  • Truth
  • Trust
  • Compassion
  • Creativity
  • Leadership
  • Perseverance

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