Media Kit
De'Anna Nunez champions people to rise. She is a Board Certified Hypnotist, an Accredited ICBCH Hypnotist Trainer and Author of the F.I.T. Method. She leads professionals, executives and athletes to focus, inward and target the mind on exactly what you need to succeed. From peak performance to self care, her signature methodology connects the power of the subconscious mind to ignite belief and align the key emotions and habits that produce transformative results.
De'Anna "bring the Joy" Nunez is a seasoned Professional Hypnotist, Certified HNLP Practitioner, and Author who values championing others. She works with teams and individuals teaching her proprietary VitalMind Training System, a Heart Centered Performance framework that helps professionals take charge of their subconscious thinking habits, beliefs and narratives and connect to their inner leader.
She credits a thirst for growth as the powerful driver in her life knowing she wouldn't have made it past twenty if she hadn't made changes at a core level. Her story of transformation is proof that anyone can do it.
De'Anna is the triple threat of Hypnosis professionals having contracted over 1,000 Speaking and Edutainment presentations demonstrating the power of the mind. She's appeared on CBS, FOX, ABC, NBC affiliates and the CW Network media, and conducted hundreds of private individual sessions helping people transform the way they see themselves and what they're capable of.
It is her diverse experience that has garnered her a unique understanding of the mind and human behavior.
De'Anna's past clients include Fortune 500 companies, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Knottā€™s Berry Farm, CSuite executives and every day individuals.
Her favorite life accomplishments are fostering her children and clients dreams, running ultra-marathons, and contracting with the US Marine Corps at bases in America, Japan and Korea.

Podcast Featured Guest
- Voices of Courage
- Road to Growth
- Spiritual Entrepreneur
- WorkSmart Hypnosis
- Flight Club Podcast
- Well Fed Warrior
- And More!

TV Guest Expert
- NBC affiliate Minneapolis (Local)
- CBS affiliate Sacramento (Local)
- ABC affiliate Good Day Good Country (Local Tulsa OK)
- ABC affiliate Good Morning Las Vegas (Local)
- The CW Network (National TV coverage)
- Fox San Diego (Local)
- And More!

- Mind Body F.I.T. Life (Author)
- It's Not About the Food (CoAuthor)
- Burn Your Fat Pants (Author)
- Selling with Synchronicity (CoAuthor)
- Writer for (Author)
Sample Talking Points:
- What is the F.I.T. Method, your process for helping clients create optimal health?
- You have a method for habit hacking, can you share that with us?
- What does the subconscious have to do with our health choices?
- How can we overcome emotional eating?
- How do we sustain motivation?
- You've run over 50 marathons. What advice do you have for new runners or for those wanting to run their first marathon?
- And, what advice can you give those folks who are going from walking to running?
- How can we access a state of 0% Self Doubt using Hypnosis?
- How is Hypnosis different than meditation?
- Based on your experience, what are the steps of a true breakthrough?
- How can we use our pain and the things that have happened in our lives as our superpower?
- How can we use self hypnosis to stop overthinking and quiet mind chatter?
- You have a framework for making our affirmations actually work. What is it?
- What is the key to high performance?
- What have been your best strategies attracting clients?
- What have you learned most about customer service as a Coach and Trainer?
- Many people have money blocks, how do you help people reframe those so they can excel?
- How can we command more power and influence?
- What is that special spark that can make clients/customers fall in love with your products and services?
- You call yourself a rebel at heart? Tell us more
- What pisses you off about personal development and coaching?
- In your book you briefly touch on your struggle and breakthroughs with Sex, Food and Money. Go deeper with us. Why did that get a mention and what didn't you share?

- Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotist, the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and the ICBCH. Received initial training with the San Diego Institute of Hypnosis and the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.
- Humanistic Neurolinguistic Psychology Practitioner and Coach through Life Design International
- Certified Hypnobabies Birthing, Instructor
- Certified Sports Hypnotist
- Certified Weight Loss Hypnotist
- Certified Nutrition Specialist with ICCS
- Certified Personal Fitness Trainer NESTA
- Smoking Cessation Hypnotist
- Healing Metaphors and Performance Coach
- Certified Running Coach with the RRCA
Downloadable Photos
Book De'Anna
Use our online calendar to book an interview with De'Anna
Phone: 619-993-9855
email: deanna@vitalmindinccom