Ready to Get Where You Want to Go?

De'Anna Nunez is your Growth and Performance Coach specializing in Strengths Based Hypnosis. She is ready to champion you with empathy and a non-judgmental attitude, and has the expertise to help you create incredible progress. Better health. More confidence, clarity, drive, fulfillment...its all awaiting for you. Follow this motto...desire, courage, action and let's go!


"De’Anna is amazing. As a hypnotist, she is skilled and intuitive; as a motivational speaker, she is engaging, motivating, & mesmerizing. You won’t ever be disappointed in hiring De’Anna no matter what industry or need, she can turn your mindset and/or culture in the right direction to ensure that you achieve the outcomes you know you are capable of achieving with the right mentality."

-James Pesch, NLP Trainer and Keynote Speaker

"Magic and Joy"

"The money I spent hiring De'Anna as my coach was the best money I've ever spent! I don't even recognize the person I was before I met her. She has this ability to get you to take steps to do the things you've always wanted to do, things you never thought you could do. She uses Hypnosis to train your brain, getting those limiting beliefs to just let go and also to be able to let go of past emotional baggage that has been holding you back. She spends time with you 1:1 to figure out what it is you want and then encourages and supports you every step of the way. De'Anna is pure magic and joy."

-Chantelle Neufeld, Founder, Mindful Generation

"Priceless. I Shed 105lbs."

"Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined how much this woman would change my life. She became the catalyst of a transformation I had never dreamed possible. On May 1st, 2010 I began using DeAnna's hypnosis system, by June 15th, 2011, I was 105lbs lighter. She gave me the tools I needed to break through barriers I didn't even realize were there. I have kept my weight off all these years now. I still listen to her audios every day. What I have learned from her is priceless."

-Jaylene Welch, Sales Top Performer, Dr. Ku

"My highest recommendation"

"I have known De’Anna and been a hypno-coaching client for almost 2 years now so I am long overdue to write a recommendation. I have purposely only written 3 recommendations on Linkedin to avoid degrading the process however, De’Anna is someone I feel everyone needs to know about and the results of working with her warrant my highest recommendation. Her hypnosis and wise counsel have been instrumental in my transition out of the Marines after 24 years. I cannot emphasize enough the amount of effort she has put in to help my family and I. I welcome your message for more details on how she not only met but exceeded my expectations in her hypnosis, coaching, and public speaking. I look forward to her teaching me how to take it all to the next level."

-Max Garcia, #1 Best Selling Author, Former Sgt. Major US Marines

"I became aware of myself in a multi-faceted way..."

"Life changing. Yep, those words would describe my amazing experience with De’Anna Nunez and the incredible, in depth, 1:1 work I did with her. I became aware of myself in a multi-faceted way and learned different tools to conquer my deep subconscious patterns. If you have ever wondered about how to achieve your next level, personally and/or professionally; simply want to better yourself for you and your loved ones; lose weight AND keep it off; or find your happiness and true North? Stop now. No need to wonder anymore. You are important and deserve every reason to give yourself this opportunity.

You’re welcome, in advance."

Sara Balderama, Los Angeles

"It will be one of the biggest, most powerful gifts you can give yourself."

"First off, her sessions are an experience like no other! It will be one of the biggest most powerful gifts you can give to yourself. It was very insightful and powerful. I was moved; laughing and crying, trusting and opening up with the heart, gaining clarity. Just so super cool how our mind body and soul connect when we honor our beautiful self. De'Anna is amazing. Thank you in gratitude."

Tamara McDonald, Entrepreneur at ACN, MasterColorist

"...instant relief."

I have been attending regular therapy for years and nothing compares to my healing experience with DeAnna. The strategies used during our sessions has resulted in new behaviors and positive thinking patterns. My initial emotional reaction after my first session was instant relief. I felt like a weight had been lifted physically off of me. She was able to reset a negative thinking pattern and shift it to a blissful healing journey. I am more connected to my mind and body as well as my new perspective on how to address hardship. I highly recommend her services for behavior therapy.

Michelle Maiello, Founder- Moonwood Marketing 

" anxiety reduced significantly."

DeAnna is beyond amazing. I have been a client of hers for almost a year and not only has my anxiety reduced significantly, I am sleeping better and my business is growing. DeAnna just "gets it" and is better than any therapist I have seen. I attend all of her events on the Empowerment Patio and have met some great people. Best investment I have made in myself. If I could give DeAnna 100 stars I would.
Rhonda Sher, LinkedIn Expert


"She'll use her magic wand..."

"I first reached out to De'Anna because I didn't have it all figured out. I built a million dollar business but I couldn't keep my house organized or my mouth from consuming copious amounts of sugar.

The thing I love most about De'Anna is you can take literally any problem to her - anything - and she'll use her magic wand to turn it into something empowering. Then she hands you the magic wand." 

- Nichole MacDonald, Founder and CEO of SASH BAGS and Lash.Live 

Build on Your Strengths

De'Anna is ready to facilitate your next level breakthrough.

"Life changing."

"Those sessions are priceless!  I can't explain it completely but I released the issue I had been holding on to and feel peaceful.  After the session it was a new day.  I felt refreshed and renewed.  It's amazing!  De'Anna has taken me many levels up.  I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for De'Anna.  People hear my story and wonder how I'm so stable and in such a good place.  I know it's because of the work we did together.  I've now launched a modeling, acting and speaking career. I sure got what I asked for!"

- Jennifer Quinlan, Actress & Model, Domestic Abuse Advocacy, NYC

"She is worth her weight in gold."

De’Anna is results driven!  If you want to work on challenges within yourself or relationships in a productive, no B.S. manner than De’Anna is your answer! 

De’Anna’s approach quickly helped me work through issues with my mother and now we have a really good relationship that continues to grow.  Additionally, she helped with issues around my father and helped me discover and address habits that were not serving me.  She has an amazing way of having you walk through your issues, see it from different perspectives and bring things to your attention you didn’t even realize were happening.  She is worth her weight in gold!

-Casey App

Casey App Marketing, Brand Strategiest and Product Launch, Marketing Leader

"I highly recommend booking one of the Breakthrough Sessions with De'Anna, I had one with her a couple of weeks ago and it has made a huge difference in my attitude, my view of myself, the actions I am taking, everything! That mindshift has had a huge impact on my daily actions, reactions and decisions. De'Anna you are amazing! Thank you! I finally feel like I am out of my funk and headed in a positive direction, you have inspired me!"

Trish Kelly
Habit for Humanity

"Thank you for re-introducing me to myself and my greatness." 

If you want to find answers to creating your own blueprint in life...schedule a session with De'Anna ASAP, she will not disappoint! She is gifted at what she does and don't let the price keep you from doing it, because you will really do yourself a disservice. After my session with her, I received clarity I needed and had all the answers to my own blocks. Insane! But she is truly worth more than she charges. Thank youDe'Anna Nunez for being so pivotal in my life and re-introducing me to myself and my greatness. You're a blessing! I am so happy I met you.
-Regina Ngata, Shift Into Greatness Now
Work with De'Anna

"...helped me step into courage to move forward in life..."

DeAnna has been my personal hypnotherapist and has done such a wonderful job! She is the beam of sunshine I needed.
She has helped me through one of the most traumatic times of my life. After my husband passed away and I became a widow, I felt lost, afraid, anxious and sad. DeAnna helped me through these emotions and helped me step into courage to move forward in life.
Trust her to be your hypnotherapist coach. You will always be happy that you chose her to be in your life. Our sessions were extremely valuable and impactful. DeAnna is my hero and friend. I plan to come back again soon. If you want to be inspired further, I highly recommend that you read her book called; “Mind Body Fit Life”.

Janene Burton. Motivational Speaker, Ms Senior USA 2024, Former Ms Senior UTAH 2023, Founder of Crowned In Courage

Courage to Grow is Positively Contagious!

Investing in your personal and professional growth is a gift you give yourself and the world around you. When your mindset improves, you advance your leadership skills in all facets, live a richer more fulfilling life and create a ripple effect of good.

"break free of debilitating thoughts..."

De’Anna’s method is simply the best and fastest way to your heart. I easily get grounded in my OWN desires and innate knowing without drudging up hours of repeating the same stories. Her bright, sunshiny personality and expert hypnosis make the biggest difference in knowing what I need right now to break free of debilitating thoughts. It gives me direction for now, that is for me alone. I’m fascinated with the power of our incredible minds. I love the group therapy and highly recommend the individual training, too! It was right on!
De'Anna is a giving person and an excellent professional. I feel so grateful to have had this opportunity. Take yours!"
RaNae Bennett, Retired School Teacher

Thanks for the boost, clarity and motivation, De'Anna!"

"If you seek personal or professional clarity, trust De'Anna's "timeline therapy" process. Through this process, I uncovered personal and professional road blocks and visualized more clearly my desired path to success. Her mindset coaching has gifted me the power of choice -- the choice to blaze a path on my own terms, or be content with the status quo. Thanks for the boost, clarity and motivation, De'Anna!"
-April Enriquez, Founder of Word Pop Public Relations

"Highly Effective"

"There's this nefarious and almost invisible force in many of our lives and it's called the Upper Limit. We put a cap on the amount of success we can enjoy or reach based on some limiting belief. Working with De'Anna helped me to recognize a) that such beliefs existed and b) I can move past them. There are all sorts of successful approaches to executive coaching. I find De'Anna's to not only be refreshingly personal, but highly effective."
- Forrest Wright, Creative Director, Brand Storytelling

"My bad ass life unfolding..."

 “DeAnna is amazing!  I have a new outlook on life and more importantly, a new outlook on myself.  She is a beautiful soul that has the compassion and understanding that helps you sort out life’s obstacles and contrast.  Every time we get done with a session, I feel more confident and ready to put my best foot forward towards the me I’ve always known  myself to be.  I’m so grateful for her and look forward to seeing my badass life unfold.  She truly is amazing!!”
  I could go on for days.... lol 
  Thank you friend xo
Christie Simonek, 
Creative Atmosphere Home Staging

"De'Anna helped me discover that healing is fun."

I am grateful beyond words to have met DeAnna and work one on one with her. I have so much to say, however let's just say coming from a traumatic childhood and holding onto those emotions physically, I am now releasing that weight AND DeAnna helped me to discover that Healing is Fun!!!
We always had the best of times! Thank you so much DeAnna!
Sofia Corona, Financial Sector

"I released many lifelong limiting beliefs."

When I signed up to work with De’Anna, I really didn’t know what I was in for. I knew that I wanted lasting change in my life. I felt, for a myriad of reasons, that working with her was my last resort. I’d worked with other coaches in the past with negligible results (my responsibility) and I felt like giving up on mentors altogether.
Thank goodness that I didn’t give up. During our time together, I released many lifelong limiting beliefs and I’ll admit, at times, it was not pretty but De’anna was always there, supporting my evolution. 
I had multiple breakthroughs and aha moments while processing some deep and painful issues. Life on the other  side of working with her is different ~ happier, juicier, lighter and I absolutely know that I am a powerful creator of my own life.
Thank you, De’Anna, for always believing in me and showing up for me ~ even when I wasn’t showing up for myself. I am blessed to know you.
-Laura Kay, San Diego, CA

"Move past some major emotional blocks..."

I've had the honor of working with DeAnna one-on-one for over a year. She helped me move past some major emotional blocks in my head, which helped me become a better coach, speaker, and human. If you want to get to the next level, DeAnna is a great place to start!

In addition...

Such a wonderful experience at  De'Anna's amazing ocean view "retreat". She puts on monthly gatherings at her office, with amazing food, a meaningful experience (we did vision boards) and of course, a hypnosis. Such a beautiful, fun and profound experience. Cannot wait for the next one!

Kate Deering - Founder of Kate Deering Fitness, Best Selling Author of How to Heal Your Metabolism 

"Recently I went through a really unique experience with De'Anna Nunez. We called it my "dream scene" and it was something I wish everyone could do! I was so moved and inspired by this session. I felt so comfortable with De'Anna, and you can tell she really cares about her clients in an authentic way. So grateful to have worked with her!"

Tracy Petrucci
Petrucci Marketing

"De'Anna is a blessing to work with..."

De'Anna is a blessing to work with. Her ability to get you to the place you need to be with such a loving and empowering energy is very unique. She created a place of love and abundance inside me.
De'Anna is a giving person and an excellent professional. I feel so grateful to have had this opportunity. Take yours!"
Silvia Chavez, The Love Queen Coach

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